• knowledge of the controls inside the vehicle before starting
  • proper distance/adjustment of seat and mirrors  
  • demonstrate proper hand position on the steering wheel(10 and 2)
  • demonstrate proper hand-over-hand steering method
  •  use proper judgment techniques while vehicle is in motion
  • demonstrate proper turning techniques
  • yield to pedestrians at all times


  • understand the IPDE process (Identify, Predict, Decide, and Execute) while practice driving under supervision on seldom used roadways with very little traffic
  • demonstrate crossing railroad tracks and understand all of the safety points
  • understand the "Smith System" of driving (move eyes around, aim high in steering, leave yourself time to make safe decisions or safe way out, etc.
  • demonstrate parallel park using techniques taught by instructor


  • confidently drive with success on "high speed" roadway
  • understand and demonstrate "following distance" concept
  • understand an demonstrate proper passing techniques
  • understand the importance of awareness to the "blind spots" of a vehicle


KSD Driver Education Cirriculum

Behind the Wheel Instruction

Please be advised:  the following information is a guideline to our teaching curriculum.  Each class and instructor varies slightly depending upon their teaching methods.  The behind the wheel instruction lesson plan is only a guideline.  Skill and confidence level of the student as well as instructor recommendations may alter the lesson plans.  

excellence in driver's education since 1986


  •  review of last lesson with emphases on weak points of driving
  • continue right and left turning techniques striving for greater magnitude turns
  • practice three-point turn techniques
  • perform straight line reverse driving
  • observe and understand Pennsylvania's special rules concerning school buses (when to pass, when to stop-distance away from the bus)


  • review the IPDE process (Identify, Predict, Decide, and Execute)
  • recognize various areas for additional work with regard to driving skills
  • emphasize improving the various areas needing additional work
  • enter traffic on a limited access highway by signaling intentions, checking traffic, accelerating, checking blind spots, and merging safely


  • prepare for the driver examination test or end
  • of course skills test, if eligible
  • take End Of Course Skills Test (if eligible)
  •  review all phases of safe and defensive driving
  • understand the importance of safe and defensive driving.
  • understand the idea of never assuming or demanding the right of way and always be ready to yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians


2)    Signs, Signals, and Roadway Markings

a)     Traffic Signs

b)    Traffic Signals

c)     Roadway Markings  

4)    Managing Risk with the IPDE Process

a)     The IPDE Process

b)    Identify and Predict

c)     Decide and Execute

d)    Using IPDE Process  

6)    Performing Basic Vehicle Maneuvers

a)     Steering Signaling and Changing Lanes

b)    Making Turns and Turning the Car Around

c)     Parking  


8)    Sharing the Roadway

a)     Sharing the Roadway with Motorcyclists

b)    Motorcyclist Actions Can Affect You

c)     Bicycles, Mopeds, and Motor Scooters

d)    Pedestrians and Special vehicles

e)     Sharing the Roads with Trucks  

10)  Driving in Rural Area

a)     Characteristics of Rural Traffic

b)    Using Basic Skills in Rural Areas

c)     Passing and being Passed on Rural Roads

d)    Rural Situations You Might Encounter

e)     Special Driving Environments  

12)  Driving in Adverse Conditions

a)     Reduced Visibility

b)    Reduced Traction

c)     Other Adverse Weather Conditions  

14) Emotions and Driving

a)  Physical Senses and Driving

b)  Physical Disabilities  

16)  Buying and Owning a Vehicle

a) Buying a Vehicle

b) Insuring a Vehicle

c) Environmental Concerns  

18)  Planning Travel

a) Local

b) Long Distance

c) Special Vehicle

KSD Driver Education Curriculum

Classroom Theory

Kennedy School of Driving, Inc.

Classroom Theory Objectives 

copyright 2014


Mission:  To teach novice drivers to develop safe and responsible driving techniques

At the end of this course, you should be able to:    

  • understand driving tasks
  • understand vehicle control  
  • understand different driving environments
  • understand responsible and safe driving  


Course Text Book:        Drive Right, revised Tenth Edition Princeton Hall

1)    Unit 1:  The Driving Task

a)    You are Part of the System

b)    Your Driving Task

c)     Your Driving Responsibility

d)    Your Driver’s License  

 3)    Basic Vehicle Control

a)     Instruments, Controls and Devices

b)    Getting Ready to Drive

c)     Driving a Vehicle with Automatic Transmission

d)    Driving a Vehicle with Manual Transmission  

 5)    Natural Laws and Car Control

a)     Gravity and Energy of Motion

b)    Friction and Traction

c)     Stopping Distance

d)    Controlling Force of Impact  

 7)    Negotiating Intersections

a)     Searching Intersections

b)    Controlled Intersections

c)     Uncontrolled Intersections

d)    Determining Right of Way and Judging Gaps  


9)    Driving in Urban Traffic

a)     Adjusting to Urban

b)    Following and Meeting Traffic

c)     Managing Space in Urban Traffic

d)    Special urban Situations  


11) Driving on Expressways

a)   Characteristics of Expressway Driving

b)    Entering and Expressway 

c)    Strategies for driving on Expressways

d)    Exiting Expressways

e)    Special Expressway Problems  


13) Handling Emergencies

a) Vehicle Malfunctions

b) Driver Errors

c)  Roadway Hazards

d)  Collisions


15) Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving

a) Effects of Alcohol on Driving Safely

b)  Other Drugs and Driving

c)  Traffic Laws on the Use of Alcohol

d)  Coping with Peer Pressure  


17) Maintaining Your Vehicle

a) Maintaining the Power Systems

b) Maintaining the Control Systems

c) Preventive Maintenance

d) Fuel-Saving and Recycling Strategies